
Media Center

Employee Spotlight: Ibrahim Shimal

November 23, 2022 : 1:33 pm

Meet our Business Development Officer, Ibrahim Shimal on this week’s Employee Spotlight. Warm hearted and bubbly, he is everyone’s Shimbe. He joined HDC in 2018 and has been contributing to many developmental and landmark projects of HDC. His current role and focus is towards commercial product development, working through research and feasibility studies, to making commercial projects come to a reality in Hulhumalé.

Shimal describes his work environment as challenging but friendly. He enjoys and appreciates the many activities such as staff retreats, sports tournaments and fun festivals held to build teamwork within the corporation. Always willing to assist his colleagues, Shimbe is a great addition to the Business Development Team. He was a key member for the team during the pandemic, liaising from office with the teams working from home.

Described by his colleagues, he is a calm and intelligent person loved by everyone. Fun fact: enthusiast of Anime series, Shimal sparks interest in any kind of thing that relate to numbers. Yes, he is a numbers guy. Shimal mentions that HDC has given him the lifetime of experience in the corporate world, and taught him to prepare feasibilities and business models that ultimately contributed to his career growth.