ހިޔާ މަޝްއޫރުގެ އެކި ކެޓަގަރީން ފްލެޓް ލިބޭ ފަރާތްތަކުގެ މެދުގައި ނަގާ ގުރުަައަތާގުޅޭ
ހިޔާ މަޝްރޫއުގެ ގުރުއަތު ނެގުމާއި ގުޅޭ
Job Opening: Audit Officer
Job Opening: Business Development Officer
Supply and Delivery of Safety Shoes and Gumboots
Response to Enquiries 1 – Development and Operation of Warehouses in Thilafushi
Response to Enquiries 1 – Lease of Land for Industrial Purposes in Thilafushi
Development and Operation of Showroom in Hulhumalé
Amendment 1: Supply and Delivery of Industrial Raincoats and Overalls
Proposal submission and opening sheet – Lease of Units from The Apollo Towers