Job Opening: Development Control Officer
Job Opening: Security Assistant
Construction of Public Washrooms & Management Offices in Hıyaa Housıng Project in Hulhumalé Phase II
Internship Opportunities
މިކޯޕަރޭޝަނުގައި ހުރި ބައެއްތަކެތި ނީލަމުގައި ވިއްކާލުން
ތިލަފުށި އަދި ގުޅީފަޅުގެ ބިންތައް ސާރވޭކުރުމާއި ގުޅޭ
Proposal Submission and Opening Sheet – Lease of Unit for the Provision of Mini Mart / Convenience Store in Lot 11441 (One Avenue) in Hulhumalé
Invitation for Proposals – Lease of Units from Commercial Block A, B, C and D
ހުޅުމާލޭގެ ބައެއް މަގުތައް އެއްކޮޅަށް ދުއްވާ މަގުތަކަކަށް ބަދަލުކުރުމާގުޅޭ
Amendment 1 – Geotechnical Investigation and EIA Report