Cancellation of Request for Proposal for the Development and Operation of a Café Court in Hulhumalé lot: 11617 (N2-26)
Cancellation of Request for Proposal for the Development and Operation of an Office Building in Hulhumalé lot: 11629 (N2-31a)
މުނިސިޕަލް ހުއްދަތައް ދޫކުރުން މަޑުޖައްސާލުމާއި ބެހޭ
Seeking Third Party Delivery Service Providers
މިކޯޕަރޭޝަންގެ ކޭޝް ކައުންޓަރތައް ހުޅުވިފައިހުންނަ ގަޑިތައް
Announcement Regarding Payment Counter set-up Placed in Lot Setback Area
މިކޯޕަރޭޝަންގެ ރިސެޕްޝަނުން ޙިދުމަތްދެވޭ ގަޑި ބަދަލުކުރުމާގުޅޭ
Cancellation of Request for Proposal – To Design, Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT) a Warehouse Shell in Lot 10639 (M2-26) in Hulhumalé
Extension of Proposal Submission Deadline – Development of a Café Court in Hulhumalé
Extension of Proposal Submission Deadline – To Design, Build, Operate and Transfer (DBOT) a Warehouse Shell in LOT 10639 – Hulhumalé