Job Opening: Interns to conduct a survey
Amendment 1: Facilitator for Strategic Plan Revision workshop(s)
Clarification Meeting/Open Day – Rashu Market Food Court and Indoor Sports Complex Cafè
Submission Venue of Proposal to Design, Build, Operate and Transfer a Warehouse Shell in Lot 10639 and Lease of Lands from Hulhumalè for Commercial Purpose
Proposal Entry Sheet for Lease of Unit from Commercial Block B for the Provision of Cafè/Restaurant Along with HDC Staff Canteen
Announcement: Regarding Maldives Invitational Trophy Tournament
Venue of Proposal Submission for Lease of Unit from Commercial Block B for the Provision of a Cafè/Restaurant Along with HDC Staff Canteen
Facilitator for Strategic Plan Revision workshop(s)
Addendum 2 – To Develop, Build, Transfer and Operate (DBOT) a Warehouse Shell in Lot 10639
Addendum 2 – Lease of Lands from Hulhumalé for Commercial Purpose