Bid for: Design, fabrication, supply and installation of warehouse in Hulhumalé
Job Openings at HDC (Deadline: 13th June 2016)
LETTER OF INVITATION TO TENDERS: Design and Project Management of the Construction of Bridges, Channels, Harbours and Shore Protection Works in Hulhumale Phase-2
Appointment of Information Officer
Cancellation of Request For Cruise Terminal & Yacht Marina Proposal
Job Openings at HDC (Deadline: 8th June 2016)
Lease of Bus Stop Panels for Advertising in Hulhumalé (ADDENDUM 1)
Bid For: Providing Security Services to HDC’s Sites and Locations
Bid for: Concept Designing of Hulhumalé Local Market & Food Court
Lease of Bus Stop Panels for Advertising in Hulhumalé