Response to Enquiries 1: Lease of commercial space from Container Park
Response to Enquiries 1: Lease of unit for the provision of cafe from Vinares commercial
Unimaa Parking Announcement
Fithroanu Smart Parking Announcement
Lease of unit for the purpose of a storage from industrial zone (warehouse shell 1) in Hulhumalé
RFP – Lease of unit for Retail purpose from Vinares Commercial in Hulhumalé
ހިޔާފްލެޓްތަކަށް މަހު ކުލިދެއްކުމުގައި އުފުލަންޖެހޭ ބުރަ ލުއިކޮށް ދެއްވުމުގެ ގޮތުން ކުރިއަށް އޮތް 7 އަހަރު ދުވަހު މަހުކުލީގެ ގޮތުގައި ދައްކަންޖެހޭ އަދަދަކީ 5300ރ ކަމުގައި ހަމަޖައްސަވައިފި
Submission and Opening Sheet for the Lease of Units for Commercial Purposes from Commercial Block C, D & E.
Deadline Extension – EOI Invitation for the Development and Operation of ‘Seaside Oasis: Café, Watersports & Park’, in Phase II Hulhumalé.
Expression of Interest (EOI) – Lease of commercial space from Container Park