ތިލަފުށި ފޭސް 2 އިން ސިނާއީ ބޭނުމަށް ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ބިން ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
Sale of Lands from Thilafushi Phase 2 for Industrial Purposes
ވިނަރެސް މަޝްރޫއިން އެފާރޓްމަންޓް ގަތުމަށްއެދި ފޯމު ހުށަހެޅި ފަރާތްތަކުގެ މުރާޖާ ކޮށްފައިވާ ލިސްޓު އާންމުކުރުން
Lease of unit for the Provision of Tuition Centre from Vinares Commercial
RFP- Lease of unit for the Provision of Bakery Showroom from Hiyaa Commercial – Stage 5
Submission and Opening Sheet : Lease of Heavy Vehicle Parking from ‘Midhili Parking’
RFP- Lease of unit for the Provision of Fashion and Clothing Shop from Hiya Commercial – Stage 5
RFP- Lease of unit for the provision of a Beauty and Cosmetics / Lifestyle Store from Hiyaa Commercial
EOI – Development and Operation of Hulhumalé Southwest Harbour
RFP- Lease of unit for the provision of a retail store from Hiyaa Commercial (Stage-5)