Employee Mental Health Assistance Program
ހުޅުމާލެއިން ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
Invitation for Submission of EOI for Development and Operation of a Hardware & Home Depot Store in Hulhumalé
Invitation for Submission of EOI for Development and Operation of Dive Centers in Hulhumalé
މި ކޯޕަރޭޝަނުގައި ހުރި ބައުތަކެތި ވިއްކާލުމާ ބެހޭ
Elevator servicing at Hulhumale’ Phase 2, 16 Towers – Hiya 7000
Project Management Consultancy Service
Response to Enquiries 1 – Lease of units for the provision of Pharmacy from Vinares Commercial
Response to Enquiries 1 – Lease of unit for the provision of Clinic from Vinares Commercial
Revitalization of Commercial Front, Hulhumalé