Response to Enquiries 01 – Lease of unit for the provision of a Convenience Store in Lot 10952 (Renaatus)
ހުޅުމާލެ ދެވަނަ ފިޔަވަހިން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
Invitation for the Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) – Development of Daycare Center in Hulhumalé
Submission and Opening Sheet for Development and Operation of Channel Park Cafe / Restaurant in Hulhumale
ހުޅުމާލެ ދެވަނަ ފިޔަވަހިން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
ފެބްރުއަރީ 10 2022ވާ ދުވަހު ހިޔާ މަޝްރޫޢުއިން ފުލެޓް ލިބިފައިވާ ފަރާތްތަކުގެ ނެގުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ ގުރުއަތުނެގުމާއި ގުޅޭ އިޢުލާން
Response to Enquiries – Lease of unit from Commercial Block “B” for the provision of a Café / Restaurant along with HDC Staff Canteen
Addendum 01 – Lease of unit for the provision of a Convenience Store in Lot 10952 (Renaatus)
ހުޅުމާލެ ދެވަނަ ފިޔަވަހިން ދިރިއުޅުމަށް ބީލަމުގެ އުސޫލުން ގޯތި ވިއްކުމާ ގުޅޭ
Proposal Submission and Opening Sheet – Lease of Units for The Provision of a Gardner’s Store in Urban Farming Garden in Hulhumalé