
Media Center

Foundation laying of a Mosque in Hulhumalé

July 14, 2011 : 11:30 am

The Ground-Breaking Ceremony of a permanent mosque to be built in the Neighborhood 3 of Hulhumalé was held on 13th July 2011. The foundation stone was laid by the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari and the donor for the Mosque, Mr. Ali Firaq.

The mosque which is to be built in the land plot south of the Ghaazee School is targeted for the residents of the 1000 Housing Unit in Hulhumalé Project.

In addition a temporary mosque is being built in the 2nd Neighborhood of Hulhumalé, located in the land plot west of the Ghaazee School. The 198 square meter big mosque will accommodate a holding capacity of 350 people at one time.

All structural steel works of the temporary mosque has been completed and the ongoing masonry works are to be fully completed in the near future. This mosque also comprises of an ablution area along with two lavatories for the public and is expected to be completed before the beginning of the month of Ramazan, 2011.