The groundbreaking ceremony of the first ever Football Academy in Maldives, an initiative taken by His Excellency President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayyoom, took place yesterday.
The ceremony, which took place in Hulhumalé Phase I, was attended by Minister of Youth and Sports Ms. Iruthisham Adam as Chief Guest, Managing Director of Housing Development Corporation Mr. Ahmed Nasif, President of Football Association of Maldives Mr. Bassam Adeel Jaleel, VIP Guests, and students of the Football academy.
This FAM Football Academy will be able to accommodate over 100 students and will also consist of a Turf ground, accommodation area for the players, gym, and several other sporting facilities.
This revolutionary development would transform the sport of football in Maldives, and would be one of the largest steps taken towards transforming Hulhumalé into a Youth City.